Singer/Songwriter/Drummer - Justin Hickerson

Singer/Songwriter/Drummer - Justin Hickerson

A fun remote show with my close friend and amazing musician, Justin Hickerson. Justin recorded 4 songs for the show and we have a cool talk in between. We talk about a bunch of stuff, including the COVID19 situation and how it is affecting musicians. Justin is a wonderful singer/songwriter and a brilliant drummer. He plays with a number of different projects around Columbia including Paul Weber and the Scrappers, The Ridgerunners, The Daves and Foxteeth.
A fun remote show with my close friend and amazing musician, Justin Hickerson. Justin recorded 4 songs for the show and we have a cool talk in between. We talk about a bunch of stuff, including the COVID19 situation and how it is affecting musicians. Justin is a wonderful singer/songwriter and a brilliant drummer. He plays with a number of different projects around Columbia including Paul Weber and the Scrappers, The Ridgerunners, The Daves and Foxteeth.
Still in Coronamode.
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